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Ozark Trail 10 X 10 New Style Instant Canopy Straight Adjustable Leg Slider Cap Replacement Parts

Ozark Trail 10 X 10 New Style Instant Canopy Straight Adjustable Leg Slider Cap Replacement Parts


This is the Parts for newest Ozark Trail 10x10 Instant Canopy Straight Leg Canopy

  • The difference between the old and the new form is when in the compacted form the newer model is shorter than the older model but once in use and extended, the size and function are the same, the only difference is when the leg is in its compact form. Refer to the pictures for visual information.
  • Prior to buying, please measure what replacement part you will need because there are many different styles and sizes of replacement parts that can differ from year, model, and size of canopy. Please refer to pictures to determine the exact measurements of the parts you are buying and make sure that is the part your canopy needs. If you have any questions or doubts, please message us.
  • Included: One Metal ADJUSTABLE LEG Assembly With Leg Bracket Cap Connector and Leg Slider Pole Bracket Connector (Exactly as shown in picture) No other parts Included.
  • Dimensions: Compact - 45" Extended Fully - 83"
Regular price $14.98 USD
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